Amyloidosis Living Stuff

Given the choice I would choose not to have amyloidosis.  The treatment isn't nice and some of the symptoms can be a bit of a challenge.  But I have also done things and learned things that I would never have done if I had not contracted the disease. One of them is setting up a charity and finding the energy and, more importantly courage, to launch AmyloidAction.  

I intend to share hints, tips, philosophy, the occasional rant and some quirky humour.  If you know where to look there are some great resources out there and I do not intend to duplicate them.

If you are living with amyloidosis the one mandatory site is 

The National Amyloidosis Centre   

closely followed by 

Myeloma UK                       

Over time my story and thoughts will appear here.  I have never used social media and find it a bit scary  I decided to call myself Amyloidman and have the address @amyloidman but dont know what I am going to do with it.  I have a Linkedin profile and loads of ideas for blogs/articles but am not sure how best to use them.  

So bear with me while I try things out and every now and then click the big orange donate button.  Every donation goes to the NAC or the Christie Hospital

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